It can be used in Logistics and Supply Chain as a forecast method. In Simple exponential smoothing, the new forecast is the former forecast plus “a” times the former forecast error (errort = Dt-Ft) This formula can be written as follows: Ft = Ft-1 + a (Dt-1- Dt-1) Where: Ft = Forecast at time t. Dt = Actual demand at time t. Ft-1 = Forecast at time t-1 (previous period) Dt-1 = Actual demand at time t-1 a = smoothing constant or adjustment factor between 0 and 1 If a ® 1, adjustment compared to last actual value is important. If a ® 0, adjustment compared to last actual value is weak. | | Forecast with a = | Period | Actual Demand | 0,1 | 0,5 | 0,9 | 1 | 1700 | | | | 2 | 1800 | 1700 | 1700 | 1700 | 3 | 1900 | 1710 | 1750 | 1790 | 4 | 1850 | 1729 | 1825 | 1889 | 5 | 1775 | 1741 | 1838 | 1854 | 6 | 1450 | 1744 | 1806 | 1783 | 7 | 1100 | 1715 | 1628 | 1483 | 8 | 1500 | 1654 | 1364 | 1138 | 9 | 1800 | 1638 | 1432 | 1464 | 10 | 1750 | 1654 | 1616 | 1766 | 11 | 2000 | 1664 | 1683 | 1752 | 12 | | 1698 | 1842 | 1975 | Simple exponential smoothing