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Make a successful public presentation

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The logistician is frequently brought to present his projects to a non expert public. He has to use pedagogy and attempt to simplify the passed on information. 

It is necessary to take into account the fact that we are faster to hear than to read and that we understand better the simple illustrations and integrate them more quickly. Moreover we cannot maintain a constant attention. 

The most successful way to make a presentation thus is to simplify and to give only a unique message by slide. 

The content

  • Have the correct contents volume, relevant, reliable and adapted to the public
  • Verify the coherence of figures and elements exposed
  • Identify the main messages to be communicated and simplify them
  • Express a single message by slide
  • Put the message of every slide in title
  • Structure the contents, the demonstration must be fluid
  • Eliminate the worthless messages
  • Perfectly know the presented contents
  • Have with one a synthetic page which summarize the presentation
 The presentation support
  • Define a presentation standard and respect it (simple police, sans serif: Arial, Tahoma, size of character adapted to the size of the room, homogeneous colors)
  • Avoid underlining or shadowing characters, preferring the bold types
  • Increase the lines and the outlines of drawings and plans
  • Use adapted graphs (curves for the evolutions and the tendencies, circular for proportion) an sober (do not to overload the bottom, the axes)
  • Limit the text to a maximum of about ten lines: not draft, but use keywords
  • Aerate the slide, do not use more than a half of the slide (leave white zones)
  • Do not distract the public with additions of contents without real added value (sounds, animations, texts)
  • Limit the number of slides (2 minutes by slides) and their information weight
  • Repeat and adjust the presentation according to the rehearsal result
 The colours
  • Always watch that the police colour contrasts enough with the bottom (dark bottom and clear police, or clear bottom and dark police)
  • Use cold colours in bottom and warm for the text
  • Associate the information typologies with a colour code
  • Limit the number of colours (black and white included) in 3 or 4 different
  • Use the meaning of colours and do not forget to adapt it to the cultural specificities of every country
 Sober, faithful, clean, clear Innocence, purity, chastity
 Sad, passive, definite, pessimistic Death(Dead man), mourning, at night, mystery
 Calms down, soft, sincere, feminine, spirituality Peace, virtue, immateriality, meditation, wisdom, musing
 warm, dynamic, stimulating, exciting Strength, passion, power, ban, , danger
 Joyful, spiritual, , dynamics, luminosity, disease, treacheryScience, consciousness, idealism, action, pride, treachery 
 Calming, balancing, resting, healthHope, nature, immortality, rest
 StimulatingEnergy, ambition, enthusiasm, imagination
 Sad, melancholic, deserving imagination, resurrection, dignifiedPoliteness, mystery, spirituality, melancholy, resurrection


Animations and transitions

The animation has to have an educational contribution and aims in:

  • Simplify,
  • Give rhythm to the information,
  • Illustrate changes
  • Detail processes
  • Underline information

In order to maintain the public attention, it is advisable to use no more than two different types of animation and to use only the soberest animation types  

The presentation

  • Introduce you quickly (or be presented), do not fall in the egocentricity
  • Be aware of public characteristics and expectations of your presentation objective
  • Give the time to the public to read the slide (1 in 2 seconds of silence).
  • Clarify what is the message of the slide and if the message is complex, point the understanding marks on the slide
  • Remain focused on the contents and the objectives
  • Make breaks in case of long PowerPoint presentation, by using the other Medias (Video, audio, product demo.)
  • Be fascinated and interact with the public
  • Complete the presentation with lived experiences
  • Occupy the space (do not stay behind a writing desk, have a remote control)
  • Establish the visual contact, not turn back to the public, smile
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