An operating time is the required time to make an elementary operation by a forklift truck driver or an operator. This operation can be physical (take a pallet on the ground, stacking operation) or administrative (Is manual seizing, barcodes seizing…) These operating times will be used to size the logistic activity regarding equipments (forklift trucks, stackers...) and staff. Instead of describing the standards and used units, the best is to these various times. Figures given here are, naturally, average and indicative. Every company, following its characteristics (quality of equipments, ages pyramid and staff’s training level), will have to adapt these figures by regular measures. All these average times are going to allow, by combining them, to calculate logistics standard operations times (ex: truck discharging time) It is advisable, after combining these times, to apply an 85 % efficiency factor corresponding to the time loss between practical and theory (the calculated time will be divided by 0.85). This one can vary according to the each company characteristics. There are 3 types of operating times: 1. Movements’ times
| m/min |
| Moy | Max | Operator on foot without load | 83 | 100 | Operator on foot with load 10 kg | 59 | - | Operator on foot with load 20 kg | 50 | - | Operator on foot with runner 100 kg | 59 | - | Operator on foot with runner 500 kg | 40 | - | Operator + manual transpalet | 67 | - | Operator + manual transpalet | 25 | - | Operator + electric transpalet empty | 83 | - | Operator + transpalette electric 1 T | 67 | - | Transpalet + conductor empty | 143 | - | Transpalet + conductor 1 T | 100 | - | Frontal Forklift truck 1 T | 100 | 143 | Retractable Forklift truck 1 T | 100 | - | Movement of one flexible door | 150 | 180 | Movement of an auto-driven runner | 100 | - | Conveyor 50 kg | 22 | 120 | Conveyor 1 T | 15 | 24 | Transtacker - Horizontal 1 T | 160 | 240 | Transtacker - Vertical 1 T | 60 | 85 | Forks of Transtacker 1 T | 40 | 50 | Mini-Transtacker - Horizontal 50 kg | 300 | - | Mini-Transtacker - Vertical 50 kg | 120 | - | Forks of Mini-Transtacker 50 kg | 60 | - | Pallets train | 90 | 120 | Combi Forklift - small path Height < 6m | - | 150 | Combi Forklift - small path Height > 9m | - | 120 | Fork ascent of combi forklift with load | 24 | - | Fork descent of combi forklift with load | 35 | - | 2. Physical operating times Transtocker and Train Cycles | Time (min) | Commentary |
| Min | Max | | Transtocker's forks cycle | 0,2 min | 0,27 min | | Palet disposal on train cycle | 0,15 min | 0,3 min | | Transtacker's palet in or out cycle | 1,2 min | 2 min | | Transtacker's palet in or out optimised cycle | 1 min | 1,5 min | I/O coupled to O/I | Transtacker's palet complete optimised cycle | 2 min | 3 min | In + Out | | | | | Palet Removal/Disposal time | | | | | Removal | Disposal | | Transpalet | 0,3 min | 0,3 min | | Forklift frontal on floor | 0,25 min | 0,23 min | | Forklift frontal 4 m | 0,6 min | 0,4 min | | Forklift retractible on floor | 0,30 min | 0,25 min | | Forklift retractible 4 m | 0,7 min | 0,7 min | | Forklift bidi on floor | 0,35 min | 0,3 min | | Forklift bidi 4 m | 0,7 min | 0,8 min | | Forklift tridi on floor | 0,45 min | 0,35 min | | Forklift tridi 4 m | 0,85 min | 1 min | | | | | | Other times | Time (min) | | | Min | Max | | Realization of a cardbox | 0,5 min | 0,75 min | | Openning of a cardbox | 0,2 min | 0,2 min | | Manual closing of a cardbox | 0,5 min | 0,5 min | | Disposal of a cardbox on shelves | 0,2 min | 0,4 min | | Take a reference | 0,005 min | 0,015 min | | Put reference in cardbox | 0,14 min | 0,14 min | | Put cardbox on conveyor | 0,25 min | 0,25 min | | Palet wraping | 2,5 min | 2,5 min | | Put label | 0,12 min | 0,12 min | | Put cardbox on palet | 0,35 min | 0,4 min | | Put/get back forklift in/from charge | 1,5 min | 1,5 min | | Change forklift batery | 8,5 min | 10 min | | 3. Administrative operating times
| min | Handwritten seizure 5 caract. | 0,35 min | Manual IS input | 0,24 min | Barcode reading | 0,007 min | IS screen consultation | 0,25 min | Printing paper document | 0,24 min | Printing label | 0,11 min | Take a paper document | 0,10 min | Give a paper document | 0,08 min | Put paper document in cardbox | 0,08 min |