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Logistics Dashboard KPI

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Among Logistics KPI, these are a selection of most relevant Logistics KPIs

This set is usually called a Logistics KPIs Dashboard or Logistics and Supply Chain KPIs Dashboard


The logistics dashboard allows a synthetic view of the activity.For more details, please feel free to consult all Free-Logistics.com © specifics KPIs sets :


Description Key data Detailed calculation if needed
General dataTurnover  
Turnover at cost (without margin)  
Number of Warehouses 
No. of branches  
SuppliersNo. of suppliers 
No. of suppliers accounting for 80% of purchases 
% of no. of suppliers accounting for 80% of purchases 
Products% of turnover product family 1 
% of turnover product family 2 
% of turnover product family … 
Service offercustomer service rate of studied unit= Nº of order lines received on time in period / order lines received during period number
KPI availability rates= Nº of product code in shortage / product code managed number
Flows% of total flow; flow 1In case of various channel of distribution
% of total flow; flow 2For example : through national warehouse, through cross-docking
% of total flow; flow 3For example : through regional warehouse,
% of total flow; flow ….Direct to final client, direct to branches…
Replenishment flow inter branches% of repl. flow coming from other branches 
Customer delivery on behalf of other branches% of delivery on behalf of other branches 
Cross-dock - through stockWarehouse - Part of flow which is through stock 
Warehouse - Part of flow which is cross-dock 
Branch - Part of flow which is through stock 
Branch - Part of flow which is cross-dock 
InventoryStock level Warehouse in € 
Stock level branch in € 
Stock level total in € 
Stock days cover total 
Shrinkage as % of stock sales (at cost) 
Logistics networkNo. of Warehouses 
Warehouse turnover 
Warehouse Indoor surface 
Warehouse Outdoor surface 
No. of deliveries 
No. of order lines delivered 
No. of employees 
Warehouse CostsWarehouse Turnover (at cost) 
Personal (€) 
Personal (%) 
General costs (€) 
General costs (%) 
Equipment (€) 
Equipment (%) 
Rent (€) 
Rent (%) 
Others (€) 
Others (%) 
Total without transport (€) 
Total without transport (%) 
Transport Warehouse - branches (€) 
Transport Warehouse - branches (%) 
Total Transport included (€) 
Total Transport included (%) 
Rent / stock value 
Personnel costs/ warehouse turnover 
Logistics costs in branchesLogistics personal (€) 
Logistics equipment (€) 
Rent of logistics surfaces (€) 
Others (€) 
Total (€) 
Rent (logistics surfaces) / stock value 
No. of logistics employees 
Personnel costs / flow (at cost) 
Downstream transportTotal transport cost (€) 
Internal transport cost (€) 
Personal (€) 
Equipment (trucks) 
External transport cost (€) 
Total transport cost as % of delivered sales 
Annual number of deliveries (tons, volumes…) 
No. of drivers 
Average cost of a driver
No. of trucks 
Reverse LogisticsTotal value of goods returned by clients (€) 
Total value of goods returned to suppliers (€) 
Total value of goods in warehouses (€) 
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