Among Logistics KPI, they are KPIs related to the Reverse Logistics function. They are usually called Reverse Logistics KPIs and are fully part of Logistics and Supply Chain KPIs. All key data can be analyzed : globally through internal categories (products families…) or through suppliers categories (according to incoterms, localization, products families…) | Description | Key data | Flow | Reverse flow value evolution vs. objective, budget (at cost) | % reverse flow vs. sales flow (at cost) | Cost | Cost of reverse logistics | Cost / products flow (%) | Stock | Stock value evolution vs. objective, budget (at cost) | | | Reverse Logistics main motives | | Contractual terms | Packing return | Stock excess | Stock discrepancy | Product obsolescence | Reparation / services | Plant reparation | Maintenance | Salesman ordering error | Client ordering error | Receiving error | Shipping error (other product) | Shipping error (lack of product) | Shipping error (wrong quantity) | Duplication | Defective | Damage - External aesthetic | Out of order at the client delivery | Defective at the client delivery (partial working) | Others | Damage during transport | Others | | | Main actions | | Use | Destruction | Sure elimination | Recycling | Make a gift to charity | Make a gift to a third part | Through second market sale | Reparation / Modification | Actualization | Restore, reproduce | Modify | Repair | Return to supplier | Others | Use as it is | Re sale | Change | Others |