Description | Key data | Detailed calculation | Productivity |
Absenteeism | Identify the amount of hours effectively worked by the warehouse's operative HR (exclude holidays, absenteeism, training…) | =total of non worked hours / total hours (%) |
Processes cost | Reception HR (temporary & proper workers) + Equipment | Cost for 1 palet (homogeneous, heterogeneous, container…) received... | Nº of palet - bulk / person / hour |
Order picking HR (temporary & proper workers) + Equipment | Cost for 1 order line, 1 ton, 1 m3... prepared | Nº of order lines / person / hour |
Cross docking HR (temporary & proper workers) + Equipment | Cost for one palet, 1 ton, 1 m3... cross docked | Nº of cross-docking palet / person / hour |
Shipping HR (temporary & proper workers) + Equipment | Cost for one palet, 1 ton, 1 m3 shipped | Nº of expedition / person / hour |
Stock control HR (temporary & proper workers) + Equipment | Cost for one reference controlled | Nº of reference controlled / person / day |
Cost | Cost value evolution vs. objective, budget (at cost) | | |
Cost in % flow value evolution vs. objective, budget | | |
Rent or annual amortization of the warehouse | €/m2/year | |
Racks, sprinklers, automatized preparation, …' amortizations | €/m2/year | |
Total cost rent + Equipment | €/m2/year | |
Warehouse capacity use rate % | = palets Nº stored in warehouse / warehouse capacity in palets Nº | |
HR | % temporary worker / total HR | | |
Activity | Seasonality (monthly, weekly, daily) and trend | Follow Up of picking lines number, trucks, m3 or tons shipped | |
Receiving flow / capacity | Flow identification vs. HR capacity | |
Preparing flow / capacity | Flow identification vs. HR capacity | |
Shipping flow / capacity | Flow identification vs. HR capacity | |
Quality and service | Warehousing discrepancies | =products lost value (at cost) / total products shipped value (at cost) | |
Warehousing discrepancies | =products lost value (at cost) / total products stored value (at cost) | |
Dispute (for suppliers and clients) | Nº of order lines delivered in dispute/ Total Nº of order lines delivered | |
Dispute (for suppliers and clients) | Goods amount delivered in dispute/ Total goods amount delivered | |
Service rate | =Nº of order lines shipped on time / total Nº of order lines shipped | |
Productivity | Nº of lines, of heterogeneous/homogeneous palets received per man hour | | |
Nº of lines, palets put away per man hour | | |
Nº of lines picked per man hour | | |
Nº of lines, palets shipped per man hour | | |