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Warehouse KPI

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Among Logistics KPI, they are KPIs related to Warehouse functions.

They are usually called Warehouse KPIs or Warehousing KPIs and are fully part of Logistics and Supply Chain KPIs.

 See also the standard operating times.


Description Key data Detailed calculation Productivity
AbsenteeismIdentify the amount of hours effectively worked by the warehouse's operative HR (exclude holidays, absenteeism, training…)=total of non worked hours / total hours (%)
Processes costReception HR (temporary & proper workers) + EquipmentCost for 1 palet (homogeneous, heterogeneous, container…) received...Nº of palet - bulk / person / hour
Order picking HR (temporary & proper workers) + EquipmentCost for 1 order line, 1 ton, 1 m3... preparedNº of order lines / person / hour
Cross docking HR (temporary & proper workers) + EquipmentCost for one palet, 1 ton, 1 m3... cross dockedNº of cross-docking palet / person / hour
Shipping HR (temporary & proper workers) + EquipmentCost for one palet, 1 ton, 1 m3 shippedNº of expedition / person / hour
Stock control HR (temporary & proper workers) + EquipmentCost for one reference controlledNº of reference controlled / person / day
Cost Cost value evolution vs. objective, budget (at cost)  
Cost in % flow value evolution vs. objective, budget   
Rent or annual amortization of the warehouse€/m2/year 
Racks, sprinklers, automatized preparation, …' amortizations€/m2/year 
Total cost rent + Equipment€/m2/year 
Warehouse capacity use rate %= palets Nº stored in warehouse / warehouse capacity in palets Nº 
HR% temporary worker / total HR  
ActivitySeasonality (monthly, weekly, daily) and trendFollow Up of picking lines number, trucks, m3 or tons shipped 
Receiving flow / capacityFlow identification vs. HR capacity 
Preparing flow / capacityFlow identification vs. HR capacity 
Shipping flow / capacityFlow identification vs. HR capacity 
Quality and serviceWarehousing discrepancies=products lost value (at cost) / total products shipped value (at cost) 
Warehousing discrepancies=products lost value (at cost) / total products stored value (at cost) 
Dispute (for suppliers and clients)Nº of order lines delivered in dispute/ Total Nº of order lines delivered  
Dispute (for suppliers and clients)Goods amount delivered in dispute/ Total goods amount delivered  
Service rate=Nº of order lines shipped on time / total Nº of order lines shipped 
ProductivityNº of lines, of heterogeneous/homogeneous palets received per man hour  
Nº of lines, palets put away per man hour  
Nº of lines picked per man hour  
Nº of lines, palets shipped per man hour  
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