The new digital tachograph evolves according to the data processing industry progress.
Henceforth, there are two types of files which are recoverable from the digital tachograph of your lorry thanks to a USB key and a 6 pins connector:
The .V1B File
It can be directly downloaded from the digital tachograph using a DownloadKey of DLK Siemens type.
This file contains all activities of your vehicle as:
the driving time,
the rest time,
availability periods
working periods
But also other information as:
And a lot of other information about the vehicle and its digital tachograph.
This file can contain up to one year of data according to the frequency of the lorry’s utilization and it is called the mass memory of the digital tachograph.
The .C1B File
It is a file representing all activities of the driver as for the vehicle with information concerning the driver in particular events and faults he has done.
This file is on the smart card of the driver’s personal card attributed to a single driver by chrono service. It is downloadable using DLK Siemens key by inserting the driver’s card into the digital tachograph or from a PC if it possesses a smart card reader.
For the rest of Europe and Spain, the files, in their contents, are identical except their extensions which become respectively .DDD and .TGD.
The difference between the mass memory file and the smart card of the driver’s card is made by the name of the beginning of each file.
These files are readable by several softwares which are generally commercial softwares.
Free reader of .V1B and.C1B files recommends a free solution for the drivers who wish to read the contents of their files:
Two small freeware gl1BLoader.exe and ReadACtivity.exe which you can download free of charge here, on the site of DDsEngine (in french)
Thanks to Concoyotte for this first spec sheet (’s team)