Enterprise Resource Planning ERP |
Company’s logistics and financial flows management software package. It’s an Information System where the various treatments (transactions and execution) and classic functions of a company are integrated in a unique processes and database system. ERPs are integrated company management systems supported by a customizable integrated software package. They allow managing all functions (Finance, Logistics, Human resources, Commercial, etc…) and processes of a given company. The various modules and functions are integrated, around the same database system. The organization of treatments and data of such systems is the answer to analytical function breakdown concerns, flows follow-up, financial performances and execution, tasks and main activities follow-up. Advantages of ERP s - Unique information system to handle all company’s processes,
- All company’s data is gathered in a unique database,
- Integration of each application’s functions,
- Reduce maintenance costs of applications,
- Allows improving the company’s ROI.
Drawbacks of ERP s - Relatively high purchase and set up costs,
- Can lead to a company’s processes modification,
- Complexity of use that can easily lead to a wrong utilization of the system,
- Difficulty to find ERPs experts.