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Geocoding in Logistics and Supply Chain

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Geocoding is a technique used to assign geographical interpretable data to a physical location. We can geocode a physical address, a particular monument, a computer via its fixed IP address, a picture…

The most common geocoding process will return the physical location’s geographical coordinates: latitude and longitude. Both are expressed in degree, minutes and seconds with the indication of the hemisphere or the position regarding Greenwich meridian.

Ex : Latitude 43° 42' 12'' N = 43degrees, 42 minutes and 12 seconds in the northern hemisphere and Longitude 7° 15' 58'' E = 7degrees, 15 minutes and 58 seconds on the eastern side of the Greenwich meridian.


In logistics and Supply Chain, Geocoding is used to locate the logistics network entities such as warehouses or cross-docks.

Combined with geocoding, the barycentre technique -although not perfect- is commonly used to get a first idea of the possible warehouse location.

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