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Dimensionning a Warehouse

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1. Overview

Here is a very rough example of a warehouse layout.

In this section we are going to size the various zones:


Layout Warehouse Generic_eng


2. Zones of stock

For this, we are going to use an elementary zone of 6 pallets as described in the following drawing:


Layout Warehouse elementary zone_eng


2.1. Surface Calculation

Thanks to the elementary zone, we have the following hypotheses and the following ratios

2.1.1. On the ground



Warehouse Ratio palet per m2
This ratio includes service alleys but not circulation alleys

Forklift Bidi Tridi Small Stacker Retractil Frontal 3 wheels Frontal 4 wheels

Elementary Zone dimensions
X Dimensions 2,92 2,92 2,92 2,92 2,92 2,92
Palets (2x1,2) 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4
Shelves support 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12
Allowances 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4
Y Dimensions 4,22 4,42 4,62 5,42 6,12 7,12
Palets (2x1,2) 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4
Service Alleys 1,6 1,8 2 2,8 3,5 4,5
Allowances 0,22 0,22 0,22 0,22 0,22 0,22

m2/p on floor 2,05 2,15 2,25 2,64 2,98 3,47

2.1.2. Using racks storage


Warehouse Ratio palet per m2
This ratio includes service alleys but not circulation alleys

Forklift Bidi Tridi Small Stacker Retractil Frontal 3 wheels Frontal 4 wheels

Elementary Zone dimensions
X Dimensions 2,92 2,92 2,92 2,92 2,92 2,92
Palets (2x1,2) 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4
Shelves support 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12
Allowances 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4
Y Dimensions 4,22 4,42 4,62 5,42 6,12 7,12
Palets (2x1,2) 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4
Service Alleys 1,6 1,8 2 2,8 3,5 4,5
Allowances 0,22 0,22 0,22 0,22 0,22 0,22

m2/p on floor 2,05 2,15 2,25 2,64 2,98 3,47

Forklift Bidi Tridi Small Stacker Retractil Frontal 3 wheels Frontal 4 wheels

1 nivel 0,49 p/m2 0,46 p/m2 0,44 p/m2 0,38 p/m2 0,34 p/m2 0,29 p/m2
2 nivels 0,97 p/m2 0,93 p/m2 0,89 p/m2 0,76 p/m2 0,67 p/m2 0,58 p/m2
3 nivels 1,46 p/m2 1,39 p/m2 1,33 p/m2 1,14 p/m2 1,01 p/m2 0,87 p/m2
4 nivels 1,95 p/m2 1,86 p/m2 1,78 p/m2 1,52 p/m2 1,34 p/m2 1,15 p/m2
5 nivels 2,43 p/m2 2,32 p/m2 2,22 p/m2 1,90 p/m2 1,68 p/m2 1,44 p/m2
6 nivels 2,92 p/m2 2,79 p/m2 2,67 p/m2 2,27 p/m2 2,01 p/m2 1,73 p/m2
7 nivels 3,41 p/m2 3,25 p/m2 3,11 p/m2 2,65 p/m2 2,35 p/m2 2,02 p/m2
8 nivels 3,90 p/m2 3,72 p/m2 3,56 p/m2 3,03 p/m2 2,69 p/m2 2,31 p/m2
9 nivels 4,38 p/m2 4,18 p/m2 4,00 p/m2 3,41 p/m2 3,02 p/m2 2,60 p/m2
10 nivels 4,87 p/m2 4,65 p/m2 4,45 p/m2 3,79 p/m2 3,36 p/m2 2,89 p/m2
11 nivels 5,36 p/m2 5,11 p/m2 4,89 p/m2 4,17 p/m2 3,69 p/m2 3,17 p/m2
12 nivels 5,84 p/m2 5,58 p/m2 5,34 p/m2 4,55 p/m2 4,03 p/m2 3,46 p/m2
13 nivels 6,33 p/m2 6,04 p/m2 5,78 p/m2 4,93 p/m2 4,36 p/m2 3,75 p/m2
14 nivels 6,82 p/m2 6,51 p/m2 6,23 p/m2 5,31 p/m2 4,70 p/m2 4,04 p/m2

1 nivel 2,05 m2/p 2,15 m2/p 2,25 m2/p 2,64 m2/p 2,98 m2/p 3,47 m2/p
2 nivels 1,03 m2/p 1,08 m2/p 1,12 m2/p 1,32 m2/p 1,49 m2/p 1,73 m2/p
3 nivels 0,68 m2/p 0,72 m2/p 0,75 m2/p 0,88 m2/p 0,99 m2/p 1,16 m2/p
4 nivels 0,51 m2/p 0,54 m2/p 0,56 m2/p 0,66 m2/p 0,74 m2/p 0,87 m2/p
5 nivels 0,41 m2/p 0,43 m2/p 0,45 m2/p 0,53 m2/p 0,60 m2/p 0,69 m2/p
6 nivels 0,34 m2/p 0,36 m2/p 0,37 m2/p 0,44 m2/p 0,50 m2/p 0,58 m2/p
7 nivels 0,29 m2/p 0,31 m2/p 0,32 m2/p 0,38 m2/p 0,43 m2/p 0,50 m2/p
8 nivels 0,26 m2/p 0,27 m2/p 0,28 m2/p 0,33 m2/p 0,37 m2/p 0,43 m2/p
9 nivels 0,23 m2/p 0,24 m2/p 0,25 m2/p 0,29 m2/p 0,33 m2/p 0,39 m2/p
10 nivels 0,21 m2/p 0,22 m2/p 0,22 m2/p 0,26 m2/p 0,30 m2/p 0,35 m2/p
11 nivels 0,19 m2/p 0,20 m2/p 0,20 m2/p 0,24 m2/p 0,27 m2/p 0,32 m2/p
12 nivels 0,17 m2/p 0,18 m2/p 0,19 m2/p 0,22 m2/p 0,25 m2/p 0,29 m2/p
13 nivels 0,16 m2/p 0,17 m2/p 0,17 m2/p 0,20 m2/p 0,23 m2/p 0,27 m2/p
14 nivels 0,15 m2/p 0,15 m2/p 0,16 m2/p 0,19 m2/p 0,21 m2/p 0,25 m2/p


2.2. Stock area max Heights

2.2.1. Forklift trucks

Max Height of higher storage nivel per forklift type

Forklift Bidi Tridi Retractil Frontal artic. Preparator Frontal
Max heigh 14 m 14 m 11 m 10 m 9 m 7 m

2.2.2. Operators

Max Height of higher storage nivel for workers

Between 0,55 y 1,8 m

Higher 1,6 m

High frequency good <0,6 m

If a worker prepares in a shelves storage area, the first level of shelves should be at 2m min.

3. Traffic Zones

3.1. Interior


Width of alleys in a warehouse


Forklift Bidi Tridi Small Stacker Retract Frontal 3 wheels Frontal 4 wheels Frontal artic.
Service Alleys 1,6 m 1,7m to 1,9m 2m to 3m 2,8m to 3m 3,5 to 4m 4m to 4,5m 1,8m to 2,1m
Circulation Alleys** 4,5 m 4,5 m - 3,5 m 3,5 m 4,5 m 3m
Pedestrian pathways 0,75m to 1,15m
*Dimensions min.
**Wider circulation alleys (5m to 6,5m) allow a better productivity.


3.2. Exterior


Vehicle Types Cars Trucks
min max min max
One Way 3 m - 4 m -
Two Ways 5 m - 6,5 m -
In front of Doors clearance 15 m 25 m 30 m 35 m


4. Zones of reception and expedition

Accesses of reception and expeditions can be of different sizes but must be sized according to the Lorries dimensions using them:


Lenght Width max Height
Standard Truck 12,00 m 2,44 m 2,70 m
Trailer 16,50 m 2,50 m 2,70 m
Trailer++ 16,50 m 2,50 m 3,10 m


The distance between these accesses is important:

  • Distance between 2 docks axis = 4.50m (4m min)
  • Distance between two docks doors (edge-to-edge) = 2.05m (1.25m palet*allowance + 0.8m man)

Loading dock:  Height = 1.15m + a leveler +- 10 % on 3m


  • Length: 2 to 4 m
  • Width: 2 to 2.20m

5. Offices & Services areas

The following ratios are a good indication for a fast dimensioning. In detailed project phase, it would be advisable to refine them:

Min Max Coments
Staff Office 9 m2/pers 12 m2/pers
Management Office 15 m2/pers 20 m2/pers
Meeting room 2 m2/pers 2,5 m2/pers
Rest area 0,24 m2/pers 0,24 m2/pers 12% of total staff at same time
Infirmary 25 m2 25 m2
Medical office 16 m2 16 m2
Kitchen = 0,44 * qty pers + 83
Eating Room 1,30 m2/pers
Cloakroom 1 m2/pers 1 m2/pers
Toilets 0,2 m2/man y 0,3 m2/woman
Parking 20 m2/vh 25 m2/vh inc. Circulacion alleys

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