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Forklift truck selection and contract methodology

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  • Inventory the company's forklift truck pool: nature and technical characteristics, age, quantity of utilization hours, purchase mode
  • Identify the full cost by type of current company's forklift trucks fleet. For it, structure the analysis discerning:
  • amortizations in case of forklift truck purchase (we consider generally that a forklift truck loses between 15 and 20 % of its value per year.)
  • maintenance costs
  • servicing costs
  • costs of use (energy...)

Identify the forklift truck that will answer your need

  • Identify the environment of utilization
  • statutory and legal obligations of certain environments: warehouses classified Seveso, risks areas,
  • warehouse: alleys width, height of last level of shelves, height under ceiling, ventilation / presence of premises to charge batteries, outside circulation...
  • Logistics operations: loading / unloading of trucks or containers, order picking, picking replenishment...
  • number of annual utilization hours

  • Identify the expected productivity

  • Identify the expected ergonomic level
  • A wise option is to consult:
  • the future users, the forklift truck operators, who will bring a field vision (circulation in alleys, handiness, necessary options).
  • The security department and the social partners who will bring important information on the risks of accidents connected to unsuitable machines.

Define the financing mode

We have 3 possibilities:

  • purchase
  • leasing (for a given duration)
  • rent (for a given duration)






The most economic (no due interest), once the forklift truck acquired only remain the maintenance, servicing and utilization costs

Economic depreciation of the acquired material

Plan the recycling of the amortized forklift truck

Investment of cash in assets which could be out more useful financing more strategic activities

Taxation on property (according to countries)

Make difficult the fleet technological modernization

Does not allow flexibility in case of activity fluctuation


Predictable costs, fixed

Financing assured by the manufacturer (the interest rates vary according to the manufacturer and the type of forklift truck)

No financial immobilization Cost deductible from taxes

Plan the recycling of the amortized forklift truck


Predictable costs, fixed

Financing assured by the manufacturer (the interest rates vary according to the manufacturer and the type of forklift truck)

No financial immobilization

Technological modernization of the fleet

Flexibility (in case of changes of activty level)

Does not allow the property of the good at the end of contract

The choice between leasing and rent is determined according to each company financial policy.

Elaborate detailed specifications

  • functions expected from the forklift truck (estimated above)
  • its environment of utilization (estimated above)
  • the expected maintenance service level (detail the cities where will be located the forklift trucks) : spare parts availability, technicians quality level, reactivity, intervention leadtime, temporary replacement of faulty machines, costs...)
  • the financing mode (estimated above)

Proceed to tender with various suppliers

  • Evaluate the answers to the tender
  • technical answers (respect of technical specifications, energy consume, mandatory cheeks, insurance...)
  • budget
  • contract, especially local maintenance conditions

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