Moving a warehouse is a critical project as it must not impact the customer service level. If you have enough time before the moving, it can be a good occasion to reduce the obsolete inventory (see spec sheet © “Obsolete inventory control”) Dimension the future warehouse Draw the warehouse map and define internal and external circulation alleys. Specify the shelves and storing material needed (storage cupboards for inflammable materials, baskets for small products storage, dynamic shelves.…).
Evaluate the time you will need for transportation operations First of all evaluate how much time you will need to realize the moving, balancing capacity and shortest time: dimension the material flow : convert the logistics units number into trucks unit number identify the receiving (in the new warehouse) and shipping (in the old warehouse) capacities and constraints (platforms number, access…) in order to determine the maximum trucks number that can be simultaneously loaded – unloaded / hour determine the daily working time of transport evaluate the loading and unloading standard time measure the transfer lead time between the 2 sites calculate the lead time of a truck rotation calculate the number of trips / truck / day apply it to the maximum trucks number / hour previously determine to get the number of trucks needed in the boucle divide the number of trips needed by the daily maximum reception capacity to calculate the number of days you will need for transportation operation Daily working time (hours) | 8 | Total palet number | One truck average capacity (palet) | Total number of trips needed | Maximum capacity in trucks / hour * | Maximum trucks received / day | 5.000 | 22 | 227 (5000/22) | 6 | 48 (6 x 8) | * minimum between receiving and shipping capacity Transport. time between the 2 warehouses (hours) | Time necessary for each operation loading and unloading (hours) | 1 trip global time (including trip back and loading in hours) | Number of trips / truck / day | 0,5 | 0,5 | 2 ((0,5+0,5)x2) | 4 (8/2) | Number of trucks needed in the boucle | Number of days necessaries for transportation | 12 (48/4) | 4,7 (227/48) |
Define the moving strategy According to the time needed for the moving, to product rotation and to the moving risk level you will opt for one or another strategy: - Short time : concentrate the moving on few days (ideally warehouse days off) when 100% of the active SKUs is available in the new warehouse, then go live
Complete the inventory with suppliers direct deliveries at the new warehouse When 100% of active SKU s are available in the new warehouse then go live. Then achieve the moving of residual inventory Share the inventory on both sites to be able to go live in the new warehouse and go back in the old one in case of malfunctioning. When 100% of active SKU s are available in the new warehouse then go live. Then achieve the moving of residual inventory Build the planning of the moving and launch the project Dimension the resources required See “Evaluate the time you will need for transportation operations” With the previous data you are able to dimension the shipment and reception teams applying your own productivity ratios. For dimensioning the preparation and put away teams you will have to consider the number of product lines that will be transferred and apply your productivity ratio to that data. In case of managing heterogeneous products logistics units, it is important to dimension using different productivity ratios. In case you are maintaining the warehouse service to customer during the moving, organize the working hours of the moving dedicated team so as no perturb normal operations. Once you dispose of teams and warehouse area requirements and of shelves specifications you can dimension the forklift trucks needs (taking into account the specificities of each working area). Ensure infrastructures and resources availability Ensure that the following points availability date is on line with the planning : building (conformity, legal and insurance, security, radiofrequency, platforms, accesses, alarm, office, air conditioning, sanitaries, changing room…) energy (light, forklift trucks loading local or gas oil deposit) communication means (computer, IT line, phone, fax…) addressed shelves and storage facilities, painted logistics areas and circulation alleys forklift trucks trucks palets, packaging…
Team availability Working hours had been determined during dimensioning phase. Before the moving, ensure the availability and productivity of teams: availability of the people training (forklifts trucks, warehouse areas, moving phases, processes …) security (security shoes and others mandatory equipments)
Prepare logistics units, schedule and address Make sure the articles you will have to move are compacted in the minimum logistics units possible. Make sure the handling supports (palets…) will tolerate offloadings. Make certain that the warehouse is created in the IT.Elaborate the new warehouse address map. Allocate each SKU to its future storing address taking into account physical characteristics. Integrate the database in the IT. If needed and with the agreement of customers, organize anticipated deliveries before starting the moving. It is important to control this step in order not to stock out the warehouse SKUs. In case no solution exists to visualize the inventory correctly in the Supply Planning IT during the moving, it is wise to prohibit the access to supply planning until the end of the project. It is in this case necessary to anticipate the supply planning and reroute previously the planned orders to one site or another according to needs. To ensure the integrity of the inventory data during the moving , it is recommended to register the complete IT movements chain (picking, shipment, receiving, put away). At any moment you must be able to know what quantity of a SKU is in both sites. Define how much of each SKU you will send in each phase of the moving and schedule the picking orders lines. Create the process to be able to identify on each logistics unit prepared its future warehouse destination address. Communicate and Report Follow up the project, planning and budget. Communicate - to suppliers (or plants) and transportation companies to inform them of the delivery conditions during the moving
- to clients and transportation companies to inform them on changes and how will be handled the orders during the moving phase
- to the Financial department and Cost Control to inform them of inventory movements that will occur
- to IT department to create the new warehouse, to test (radiofrequency, network…) and be able to integrate the new warehouse’s data