DOCUMENT STRUCTURE The specifications or consultation document has to describe clearly the logistic processes to be externalized. It will consist in a series of key elements so that the logistic process is understood by the consulted operators: A description of the activity and the existing company network A processes description The key-figures of the activity A description of the relations and the interfaces between(within) the logistic operator and the company or the other operators (carriers)
Furthermore, they have to allow you an easy comparison of the various offers which you will receive. It is important to describe in this document the answer wished format. We propose the following documentary structure: 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Object 1.2. Confidentiality Clause 2. COMPANY CONTEXT 3. PROJECT PRESENTATION 3.1. General Context 3.2. Project Objective 3.3. Organization of the logistic warehouse supply 3.4. Required logistic service 3.5. Requirements synthesis and key-figures 4. CONSULTATION DATA AND PROCESSES DESCRIPTION 4.1. Logistic Warehouse Description of products type (families, management of lots caducity dates, dangerous goods, dimensions heterogeneousness…) Reception process (planning, first and second reception, incidents reporting, key-figures…) Preparations / expedition processes (obligations, supports, required service level, key-figures…) Cross-docking process (obligations, supports, required service level, key-figures…) Products handling / transformation processes (packagings…) Reverse logistics process (returns, repairs, destructions) Inventories process (rotary, partial and general) Administrative processes Quality control process 4.2. Stocks Stock rotation Stock exploitation Security or Buffer stock FIFO Inventories organization (permanent, partial and general) Operator responsibility (stock reduction, stock adaptation) 4.3. Assurance 4.4. Hygiene - Safety - Quality 4.5. Customer follow-up (point of destination) 5. OPERATOR PROPOSAL FORMAT 5.1. Company presentation 5.2. Description of the dedicated means Logistic Warehouse (surface, location, installations, equipment and HR structure) Safety regulations Information Systems Reporting – Indicators (KPI) 5.3. Costs proposal Operations in the logistic warehouse Unitarian operations of manipulation or transformation Operation of inverse logistics Consumables Invoicing Administrative services Invoicing Inventories Information Systems 6. DECISION PLANNING DATA BASE To allow the logistic operator to study your activity, a data base will be supplied to him. The following data are usually sent: GLOBAL ACTIVITY Global Volume of monthly expeditions (history + growth forecast over x years) Description of the activity seasonality (monthly, weekly) Number of suppliers, receptions daily averages quantities Number of destination points, averages quantities of preparation and expedition daily lines Stock value (for the assurance) and global monthly rotation / by family PRODUCTS Products data base (product, product family, EAN, dangerous materials, caducity dates management, lots management, dimensions, weight, volume, units by pallets, units by box, reception conditions : loose, pallet types, packaging types…) STOCK Stock Data base at reference level (quantities in stock, stock coverage, variations) Identification of the reference quantity annual variation (product family renewal, references in promotion) RECEPTION Activity Data (receptions quantity at article level, identification of the different flows: multi or mono pallet reference, loose) PREPARATION Activity Data (preparation lines quantity at article level) EXPEDITION Activity Data (by destination points, identification of the different flows: multi or mono pallet reference, loose) CROSS-DOCKING Activity Data (activity by support type: box / pallet) HANDLING OR TRANSFORMATION Flows Identification (handled products, activity data) REVERSE LOGISTICS Flows Identification (by cause type and required action)