Definition The Picking or Order Preparation is a warehouse process the purpose of which is to collect a series of products stored in the warehouse, to regroup them in a specified area and packaging before their expedition towards the customers. Doubtless, it is the warehouse activity with highest added value, given that it is the physical reflection of customers’ requirements. Which makes it one of the key processes of the logistic warehouse, especially when it comes to costs reduction process.
Required Information for Picking To do its picking, a preparation technician needs a document: the picking list. This list can take several forms: - Simple printed paper format (A4 or listings),
- Series or roller of products sticker labels, each one of them corresponding to a product to be prepared,
- On screen of handset terminal, the preparation technician receives its instructions on the screen and confirms them using its handset barcode reader,
- Vocal in the case of a voice picking, the preparation technician receives its orders and confirms the operations by voice.
In every case, the picking list has to provide the following information: - References, Names, Quantities and Addresses in warehouse of the references to be prepared.
- Location of grouping areas
- Specific instructions for preparation: packaging, organization of products in the package …
Different steps of Picking process Example using handset terminal (radio-frequency): Reception of the order in warehouse and transformation into a picking order. · Display of the picking list on the handset terminal of the preparation technician. · Picking of articles to be prepared · Stock update by reading barcode of picked articles and picking areas locations. · Grouping of articles on the preparation area. · Printing and sticking labels on packaging where articles are going to be repacked. · Preparation and grouping of articles in labeled packaging. · System update by linking every new packaging and articles that it contains by reading barcodes. · Final validation of the order line (closing picking order) and system update. Different Types of Picking or Order Preparation
· Picking with movement, order by order One preparation technician per order For every order, the same preparation technician collects to-be-picked articles in various locations and returns them to the preparation area to repack them. Several preparation technicians per order For every order, different preparation technicians distributed by area of picking collect to-be-picked articles in various locations and return them to the preparation area where one or several preparation technicians will pack them. · Picking by waves or several orders One preparation technician per wave (several orders) For a given wave, the same preparation technician collects to-be-picked articles in various locations and returns them to the preparation area where he sorts them out by order to repack them. Several preparation technicians per wave (several orders) For a given wave, different preparation technicians distributed by area of picking collect to-be-picked articles in various locations and return them to the preparation area where one or several preparation technicians will sort them out to repack them. · Picking at fixed location Preparation technician with fixed location with article selection The preparation technician doesn’t move, he takes articles from an automatic storage and retrieve system or brought by automatic guided vehicle (automotive industry), he conditions them in a new packaging (parcel, pallet, plastic box) and sends put it back on corresponding transport means. Preparation technician with fixed location without article selection The preparation technician doesn’t neither move, nor choose the article. A conveyor passing by its workstation brings him the parcel to be sorted out, grouped or re-packaged and he does this operation in the movement just like on automotive manufacturing line. How to improve picking efficiency? Here are mainly followed axes of picking efficiency improvement: - To implement a Warehouse Management System WMS having a real-time and adapted picking function,
- Limit the activity stops due to the lack of products availability: assure a regular picking supply and in a smoothed way, rigor in the movement updates in the system …
- Optimized routes for preparation technicians and forklift truck operators: picking routes optimized, reduce distance between picking areas and storage areas for articles with strong rotation (use a ABC Classification),
- Assure the quality: to put heavy good at the bottom of packaging, do not mix nature of products (ex: Mix food and toxic products)
- Optimize the accessibility of articles: use of storing racks adapted to every reference family, use of dynamic racks, store following references’ weights, adapted length of preparations alleys, and smooth picking activities over a period of time…