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Basic Forum Rules are:

  • You need to be registered to use the Forum
  • Use the language of the corresponding Forum (enlgish on englsih forum, spanish on spanish forum...)
  • Use clear titles and description. (No "help!!!!!" title for ex.)
  • Please try not to double post or show your impatience : FL is a free site, so its people are volunteers!

 The following rules list the most serious violations:

  1. No Hacking - This should go without saying, but you are not permitted to hack the board. Guessing someone else's password and succeeding counts as hacking. Members who hack will instantly be permanently banned without any warnings.
  2. No Discrimination, - You may not insult members based on their religion, race, sex, political beliefs, or whether they are gay or straight. FL is a place where everyone is equal, and discrimination will NOT be tolerated!
  3. No Profanity or Obscene Content - Such content does not belong on FL. A censor system is in place as a backup. If you see words in your post being replaced with ****, you have done something wrong. Please edit your post and tone it down before your timer runs out.

Violating one of this 3 rules will result in a permanent ban. (c)


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